Monday, November 8, 2010

Somehow the past couple of months have absolutely flown by and now it's November and we subject to American advertising all know what that means: the Christmas season is upon us. If there is one truth in life it's that Americans love Christmas. Parts of it can be tons of fun, especially the parts that involve food. The gift-giving tradition can be fun for crafty people like me because you get a chance to re-energize people about your work. However, a lot of it just reeks of materialism. I've been trying really hard to be a smarter consumer lately, buying more ethical food, recycling as much as possible, and reusing rather than buying new. I'm feeling pretty good about it and I'm not going to make an exception for our annual spending spree holiday. So, this year, I will be giving NO store-bought presents! Everyone I know is going to be getting either something crocheted, a painting, or something from work. I have a few things to finish up for other people as well, and with a slightly hectic work schedule for the coming months, I'm trying to get a jump start on said projects so that when the time comes, I'll still have time to do real holiday things (read: bake a ton of food). First on the docket was these cute little tables:

This one for a little girl:

And two of these for the boys:

Phone camera right after I post about my amazing new DSLR, I know, but I promise they're cute!